Selasa, 29 Januari 2008

Survei sesar Opak

Ini gambar pak Udi, bu Rina dan penulis saat survei penelitian sesar Opak di Bantul Oktober 2007 kemarin. Yang jelas kalau geofisika tidak saja melihat "singkapan-singkapan" saja tetapi juga harus "memasukkan" sesuatu ke dalam bumi

Tittle: Seismologi (seismology)

Code number/SKS:PAF 373/ 2 SKS

Short description:
Seismology is a minor on geophysics in third semester, consist of historical development and the topics of global seismology, concepts of elasticity and seismic waves ( stress-strain relationship, equation of motion, wave equation, dispersion, and free oscilation and tsunami), seismogram interpretation (nomenclature, locating earthquakes), determination of Earth structure, and seismic sources (stereographic projection, focal mechanism, seismic moment tensor, and seismic energy and magnitude)

Standard competence:
After finish this lectur the students can describe concepts of elasticity and seismic waves, can interpret seismogram, can determine epicenter, can calculate earthquake magniudes, and solve problems in seismic source mechanism.

Base competence
Sub –subject

1. 1
The studens are able to describe historical and topics development of global seismology
1. Historical development of seismology
2. Topics of global seismology
2x 50 minutes
Tutorial, discussion, tasks
[1] pages 1-34
[2] pages 1-13

The studens are able to describe concepts of elasticity (stress-strain), equation of motion, wave equation, seismic waves and the properties of eismic waves
Elasticity and seismic waves
1. Stress
2. Strain
3. Equation of motion
4. Wave equation
5. Body waves
6. Surface waves
7. Dispersion and polarization
8. Free oscilation
9. Tsunami
7x2x 50 minutes
Tutorial, discussion, tasks
[1] pages 35-72
[2] pages 61-88

The studens are able to interpret the seismograms, can determine epicenter by single station and/or multiple station methods, and can carry out the general inversion
Seismogram interpretation
1. Nomenclature of seismic waves
2. Travel time curve
3. Locating eartquakes: single station, multiple station, and general inversion
4x2x 50 minutes
Tutorial, discussion, tasks
[1] pages 203-237
[2] pages 95-98

The studens are able to determine orientation of faults and seismic sources by using focal plane solution with stereographic projection, and determine earthquake magnitude from moment tensor, and seismic energy
Determination fault plane orientation and seismic sources solution
1. Stereographic projection
2. Focal mechanis from surface waves
3. Seismic momen tensor
4. Magnitude scales
5. Seismic energy and seismic magnitude
4x2x 50 minutes
Tutorial, discussion, tasks
[1] pages 313-387
[2] pages 105-126

References :
[1]. Thorne Lay and Terry C. Wallace, 1995, Modern Global Seismology, Academic Press, San Diego
[2]. Bath, Markus, 1979, Introduction to Seismology, Birkhäuser Verlag, Stuttgart
[3]. Bolt, Bruce A., 2004, Earthquake, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York

Senin, 28 Januari 2008


Mungkin masih ada yang belum mengerti tentang gempa, sumber dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan gempabumi? Ada baiknya anda belajar tentang seismologi. Di Fisika Undip seismologi diberikan di semester gasal 2 SKS